Newsgroups: Path:!!!!usc!!!olivea!quack!!nsayer From: (Nick Sayer) Subject: Homebrew 610 forms, first release Message-ID: Sender: (0000-News(0000)) Organization: The Duck Pond public unix: +1 408 249 9630, log in as 'guest'. Date: 4 May 1994 02:28:58 UTC Lines: 1045 This has now been posted to comp.lang.postscript. Presuming that it is approved by the moderator, it will thus be archived at your favorite comp.lang.postscript archive site. -- The postscript program below will generate Federal Communications Commission form 610, an application for an Amateur Radio license. This program will even fill the form out for you if you prepend a dictionary to the front with the appropriate key/value pairs set. See the README file. ----- fcc610.README ----- If you want to use this code to generate a pre-filled 610 form, you need to prepend the code with a postscript file containing a dictionary called FORM. The key-value pairs in FORM are listed below. If a key is not present in the dictionary, the data it represents will be left blank. Boolean fields place an "X" in the appropriate box if true. date-string fields must be strings consisting of 6 numeric digits, month, day, year. Be sure to zero-pad if a month or day is less than 10. Key Type Description Location /FIRST string First name 1 /MIDDLE string Middle Initial 1 /LAST string Last name 1 /SUFFIX string Suffix (Jr, Sr, etc) 1 /BIRTH date-string Date of birth 2 /STREET string street address 3 /CITY string city 3 /STATE string state 3 /ZIP string ZIP code 3 /4A boolean New license 4A /4B boolean Upgrade 4B /4C boolean Name change 4C /4D boolean Address change 4D /4E boolean Callsign change 4E /4F boolean Renew 4F /OLDFIRST string Prior first name 4C /OLDMIDDLE string Prior middle initial 4C /OLDLAST string Prior last name 4C /OLDSUFFIX string Prior suffix 4C /CALL string Callsign 5A /CLASS string Operator class 5B /6N boolean No environmental impact 6 /6Y boolean Yes, env. impact 6 /PURPOSE string Purpose of prev. appl. 7A /FILED date-string date prev. appl. filed 7B /SIGNED date-string date signed 9 /NOVICE boolean qualified for Novice A /TECH boolean qualified for Tech A /TECH-PLUS boolean qualified for Tech+ A /GENERAL boolean qualified for General A /ADVANCED boolean qualified for Adv. A /EXTRA boolean qualified for Extra A /VEC string Name of VEC C /SESSION-DATE string date of session D /SESSION-LOC string Location of session E /VE1-NAME string VE #1's name /VE1-CALL string VE #1's call /VE1-SIGNED string VE #1 date signed (last 3 fields repeated for VE2 and VE3) Example (level 2 postscript): %! /FORM << /FIRST (Bartholemew) /MIDDLE (J) /LAST (Simpson) /STREET (1123 Anystreet) /CITY (Springfield) /STATE (IL) /ZIP (00000) /BIRTH (122088) /CALL (N4QRT) /CLASS (General) /4D true /6N true /SIGNED (050394) >> def Prepending that would print out a 610 form suitable for a change of address. ----- ereh tuc ----- ----- ----- %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 26 29 588 772 %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%PageOrder: Ascend %%Requirements: duplex %%Title: FCC_form_610 %%Creator: Nick_Sayer %%Pages: 2 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold ZapfDingbats Courier %%EndComments %%BeginProlog %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup % % FCC610.PS % Federal Communications Commission form 610 % Version number kept below % Written by Nick Sayer, N6QQQ % I don't think I can claim copyright on this since it is a federal % form. % % THIS VERSION HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE FCC FOR APPROVAL, NOR HAS % IT BEEN ACTUALLY USED IN APPLICATIONS TO THE COMMISSION. IF YOU USE % THIS FORM AND THE FCC KICKS IT BACK, IT'S NOT MY FAULT. I would like % any feedback with regards to acceptability of forms generated by % this code. % % One hint: The paper color is critical. I have submitted 610 forms % photocopied onto 'Goldenrod' paper and have had them accepted, % but white won't work. The FCC uses paper color to sort the forms % from various services out more easily or something. % % The source for this form is the 11/93 version of the form. % The original indicia (here deleted per FCC policy) said % 3060-0033, expires 08/31/95. % % The form was carefully measured with a ruler to the nearest millimeter. % % Here are the differences you may note in the form: % % 1. OMB notation at upper left omitted. % This in keeping with FCC policy for privately generated forms. % % 2. Possible measurement errors. % I only measured to the nearest 1 mm. Some lines had to be moved % very slightly to make room for the font I used (especially in % section 2A). % % 3. There is a version number in the top right corner of the back. % Delete it if you like. I'd go nuts without it given how many % times I've printed these out. % % 4. Helvetica is the closest font I could find to the one the FCC % used. It's not an exact match. Their font is certainly a % sans-serif font but it's thinner. I think it's close enough. % % Any other differences are probably bugs. % % This version has been tested under Ghostscript, NeWSprint 2.0 and % OpenWindows 3.3 DPS (pageview). The date-line procedure produces % eroneous results under NeWSprint, but I think it's a NeWS bug. % Apart from that, it works fine on all the platforms I've tried. % % This version allows you to prepend a dictionary to this file. The % dictionary will be used to fill out the front (only) of the form. % See the accompanying README file for a list of dictionary entries. % The fields will be filled out in Courier 12 pitch font so that it % looks just like a typewriter. % % VEs may wish to print a large number of forms back-only in advance of % a test session, then load all of the resulting pages in a laser % printer at the test session. Then for each examinee they can run a % program that will pre-pend the dictionary as appropriate and % run the first page only. The result would be a fully-filled % 610 form ready for 4 signatures. If you do this, you'll want to % use one of the many EPS page splitter programs to make front-only % and back-only renditions. /VERSION (V3.01) def /inch { 72 mul } def /cm { 2.54 div inch } def /mm { 25.4 div inch } def %%IncludeResource: font Courier /FILLIN-FONT (Courier) findfont def %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica /NORMAL-FONT (Helvetica) findfont def %%IncludeResource: font Helvetica-Bold /BOLD-FONT (Helvetica-Bold) findfont def %%IncludeResource: font ZapfDingbats /DING-FONT (ZapfDingbats) findfont def /center-text % string -- { dup stringwidth pop 2 div currentpoint pop exch sub currentpoint exch pop moveto show } def /right-justify % -- { dup stringwidth pop currentpoint pop exch sub currentpoint exch pop moveto show } def % we want a justify-text % x1 x2 y string -- % It's going to have to take the difference between x2-x1 and % {string stringwidth}, divide that by {string length}, and % use the result as the x argument to ashow. /justify-text % x1 x2 y string -- { 3 index 2 index moveto 3 index 3 index exch sub 1 index stringwidth pop sub 1 index length div 0 2 index ashow pop pop pop pop } def % Well, this is supposed to be the level 2 way to print on both % sides, but ghostscript heaves up when I try it. This bit of code % may also make Level 1 parsers lose their minds, so comment it out % if it gives you trouble. % systemdict /setpagedevice known { << /Duplex true >> setpagedevice } if % And for those who only have level 1, we can work around glyphshow. % It is, however, the prefered method of doing this sort of thing. % systemdict /glyphshow known { /DING-SIGN { /a22 glyphshow } def /DING-ARROW { /a186 glyphshow } def } { /DING-SIGN { <36> show } def /DING-ARROW { show } def } ifelse %%EndSetup %%Page: "front" 1 % Everything is relative to the bottom-left corner of the main box. % So to make it fit on the page, we have to shove it around a bit. .9 cm 1.6 cm translate % There are two very thick boxes near the top and middle /headerbox % x y -- { moveto gsave 2 setlinewidth % This is kind of a bitch. Because PostScript centers the setlinewidth % on the center of the line, we need to tweak the heavily drawn boxes % by both their width and the width of the lines they're butting up % to. That means moving in 1.75 points, not 2. .75 0 rmoveto 198 mm 1.5 sub 0 rlineto 0 6 mm rlineto -198 mm 1.5 add 0 rlineto closepath stroke grestore gsave % to rescue the currentpoint. % Now the little vertical lines 1 setlinewidth 35 mm 0 rmoveto 0 6 mm rlineto 198 35 2 mul sub mm 0 rmoveto 0 -6 mm rlineto stroke grestore gsave % again... % Things just get a bunch worse here. .95 setgray 1.25 1 rmoveto 35 mm 1.75 sub 0 rlineto 0 6 mm 2 sub rlineto -35 mm 1.75 add 0 rlineto closepath fill grestore gsave % one more time. .95 setgray 198 mm 1.25 sub 1 rmoveto -35 mm 1.75 add 0 rlineto 0 6 mm 2 sub rlineto 35 mm 1.75 sub 0 rlineto closepath fill grestore } def 0 232 mm headerbox 0 101 mm headerbox % The rest of the lines are a half point wide .5 setlinewidth % The main box newpath 0 232 mm moveto 0 0 lineto 198 mm 0 lineto 198 mm 232 mm lineto stroke % Now all the full-length horizontal lines /full-line % y -- { dup 0 exch moveto 198 mm exch lineto stroke } def 11 mm full-line 24 mm full-line 37 mm full-line 45 mm full-line 120 mm full-line 131 mm full-line 138 mm full-line 150 mm full-line 157 mm full-line 168 mm full-line 210 mm full-line 220 mm full-line % Now all the vertical lines dividing those stripes 66 mm 0 moveto 66 mm 37 mm lineto 99 mm 0 moveto 99 mm 37 mm lineto 169 mm 0 moveto 169 mm 37 mm lineto stroke 119 mm 45 mm moveto 119 mm 101 mm lineto stroke 155 mm 107 mm moveto 155 mm 120 mm lineto stroke 155 mm 138 mm moveto 155 mm 150 mm lineto stroke 67 mm 138 mm moveto 67 mm 150 mm lineto stroke 88 mm 157 mm moveto 88 mm 168 mm lineto stroke 139 mm 157 mm moveto 139 mm 168 mm lineto stroke 84 mm 210 mm moveto 84 mm 232 mm lineto stroke 137 mm 210 mm moveto 137 mm 232 mm lineto stroke 158 mm 210 mm moveto 158 mm 232 mm lineto stroke % Now all the horizontal lines dividing up the resulting cubes 0 mm 68 mm moveto 119 mm 68 mm lineto stroke 0 mm 56 mm moveto 119 mm 56 mm lineto stroke % Now once again we divide up the resulting slices 62 mm 45 mm moveto 62 mm 56 mm lineto stroke % Now we start scribbling. TOP SECTION NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 0 253 mm moveto (FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION) show 0 250 mm moveto (GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLANIA) show 182 mm 246 mm moveto (See instructions for) center-text 182 mm 243 mm moveto (information regarding) center-text 182 mm 240 mm moveto (public burden estimate.) center-text BOLD-FONT 14 scalefont setfont 99 mm 246 mm moveto (APPLICATION FORM 610 FOR) center-text 99 mm 240 mm moveto (AMATEUR OPERATOR/PRIMARY STATION LICENSE) center-text BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 99 mm 234 mm moveto (SECTION 1 - TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT \(See instructions\)) center-text 99 mm 103 mm moveto (SECTION 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL ADMINISTERING VE's) center-text BOLD-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 99 mm 38 mm moveto (WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED BY THE COORDINATING VEC AND THE FCC) center-text 99 mm 42 mm moveto (I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE ADMINISTERING VE REQUIREMENTS IN PART 97 OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES AND) center-text /box % -- { currentpoint newpath moveto .3 cm 0 cm rlineto 0 cm .3 cm rlineto -.3 cm 0 cm rlineto closepath stroke } def NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 1 mm 229 mm moveto (1. Print or type last name) show 65 mm 229 mm moveto (Suffix) show 85 mm 229 mm moveto (First name) show 138 mm 229 mm moveto (Middle initial) show 159 mm 229 mm moveto (2. Date of birth) show 1 mm 217 mm moveto (3. Mailing address \(Number and street\)) show 85 mm 217 mm moveto (City) show 138 mm 217 mm moveto (State code) show 159 mm 217 mm moveto (ZIP code) show /date-line { gsave 0 mm 6 rmoveto [ 5 mm 1 mm 5 mm 2 mm ] 0 setdash 39 mm 0 rlineto stroke grestore gsave [ 0 11 mm 2 mm 11 mm 2 mm 11 mm ] 1 setdash 0 mm 12 rmoveto 35 mm 0 rlineto stroke grestore gsave NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont (month) show grestore gsave 15 mm 0 rmoveto NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont (day) show grestore gsave 26 mm 0 rmoveto NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont (year) show grestore } def 160 mm 221 mm moveto date-line 1 mm 207 mm moveto (4. I HEREBY APPLY FOR \(make an X in the ) show (appropriate box\(es\)\):) show 7 mm 199 mm moveto (4A. ) show 13 mm 199 mm moveto box BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 18 mm 199 mm moveto (EXAMINATION ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont ( for a new license) show 7 mm 190 mm moveto (4B. ) show 13 mm 190 mm moveto box BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 18 mm 190 mm moveto (EXAMINATION ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont ( for upgrade of my operator license) show 18 mm 187 mm moveto (class) show 7 mm 180 mm moveto (4C. ) show 13 mm 180 mm moveto box BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 18 mm 180 mm moveto (CHANGE ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont ( my name on my license to my new) show 18 mm 177 mm moveto (name in item 1. My former name was:) show 18 mm 172 mm moveto 94 mm 172 mm lineto stroke 18 mm 169 mm moveto (\(Last name\)) show 41 mm 169 mm moveto (\(Suffix\)) show 57 mm 169 mm moveto (\(First name\)) show 86 mm 169 mm moveto (\(MI\)) show 110 mm 199 mm moveto (4D. ) show 116 mm 199 mm moveto box BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 121 mm 199 mm moveto (CHANGE ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont ( my mailing address on my license to) show 121 mm 196 mm moveto (my new address in item 3.) show 110 mm 190 mm moveto (4E. ) show 116 mm 190 mm moveto box BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 121 mm 190 mm moveto (CHANGE ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont ( my station call sign systematically) show 121 mm 187 mm moveto (\(See instructions\)) show 121 mm 184 mm moveto (Applicant's initials: ) show 20 mm 0 rlineto stroke 110 mm 173 mm moveto (4F. ) show 116 mm 173 mm moveto box BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 121 mm 173 mm moveto (RENEWAL ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont ( of my license) show 1 mm 165 mm moveto (5.) show 5 mm 83 mm 165 mm (Unless you are requesting a new license, attach the) justify-text 5 mm 83 mm 162 mm (original or a photocopy of your license to the back of this) justify-text 5 mm 159 mm moveto (Form 610 and complete items 5A and 5B.) show 90 mm 165 mm moveto (5A. Call sign shown on license) show 141 mm 165 mm moveto (5B. Operator class shown on license) show 1 mm 154 mm moveto (6.) show 5 mm 154 mm moveto (Would an FCC grant of your request be an ) show (action that may) show 5 mm 151 mm moveto (have a significant environmental effect?) show BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 110 mm 151 mm moveto box 115 mm 151 mm moveto (NO) show 134 mm 151 mm moveto box 139 mm 151 mm moveto (YES ) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 0 1 mm rmoveto ( \(Attach required statement\)) show 1 mm 147 mm moveto (7.) show 5 mm 65 mm 147 mm (If you have filed another Form 610 that we) justify-text 5 mm 65 mm 144 mm (have not acted upon, complete items 7A) justify-text 5 mm 141 mm moveto (and 7B.) show 68 mm 147 mm moveto (7A. Purpose of other form) show 157 mm 147 mm moveto (7B. Date filed) show 160 mm 139 mm moveto date-line NORMAL-FONT 6.5 scalefont setfont 99 mm 135 mm moveto (WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT, \(U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001\), AND/OR REVOCATION OF) center-text 99 mm 132 mm moveto (ANY STATION LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT \(U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 312\(A\)\(1\)\) AND/OR FORFEITURE \(U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 503\).) center-text 2 mm 196 mm 128 mm (I CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS AND ATTACHMENTS ARE TRUE, COMPLETE, AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AND ARE MADE IN GOOD) justify-text 2 mm 196 mm 125 mm (FAITH; THAT I AM NOT A REPRESENTATIVE OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT; THAT I WAIVE ANY CLAIM TO THE USE OF A PARTICULAR FREQUENCY REGARDLESS OF) justify-text 2 mm 122 mm moveto (PRIOR USE BY LICENSE OR OTHERWISE; AND THAT THE STATION TO BE ) show (LICENSED WILL BE INACCESSIBLE TO UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS.) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 1 mm 117 mm moveto (8.) show 5 mm 117 mm moveto (Signature of applicant \(Do not print, type or stamp.) show (\) \(Must match name in item 1.\)) show 157 mm 117 mm moveto (9. Date signed) show 160 mm 108 mm moveto date-line BOLD-FONT 14 scalefont setfont DING-FONT 14 scalefont setfont 6 mm 110 mm moveto DING-SIGN 10 mm 110 mm moveto 152 mm 110 mm lineto stroke % BOTOM SECTION NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 1 mm 97 mm moveto (A.) show 5 mm 97 mm moveto (Applicant is qualified for operator license class:) show 120 mm 97 mm moveto (B. VEC receipt date:) show 1 mm 64 mm moveto (C.) show 5 mm 64 mm moveto (Name of Volunteer-Examiner Coordinator \(VEC\):) show 1 mm 53 mm moveto (D.) show 5 mm 53 mm moveto (Date of VEC coordinated examination) show 5 mm 50 mm moveto (session:) show 63 mm 53 mm moveto (E. Examination session location:) show /ve-line % y -- { dup 67 mm exch moveto (VE's station call sign) show dup 100 mm exch moveto (VE's signature \(must match name\)) show 170 mm exch moveto (Date signed) show } def 1 mm 34 mm moveto (1st VE's name \(Print First, MI, Last, Suffix\)) show 34 mm ve-line 1 mm 21 mm moveto (2nd VE's name \(Print First, MI, Last, Suffix\)) show 21 mm ve-line 1 mm 8 mm moveto (3rd VE's name \(Print First, MI, Last, Suffix\)) show 8 mm ve-line BOLD-FONT 9 scalefont setfont 4 mm 92 mm moveto box 11 mm 92 mm moveto (NOVICE) show 50 mm 92 mm moveto (\(Elements 1\(A\), 1\(B\), or 1\(C\) and 2\)) show 4 mm 88 mm moveto box 11 mm 88 mm moveto (TECHNICIAN) show 50 mm 88 mm moveto (\(Elements 2 and 3\(A\)\)) show 4 mm 84 mm moveto box 11 mm 84 mm moveto (TECHNICIAN PLUS) show 50 mm 84 mm moveto (\(Elements 1\(A\), 1\(B\), or 1\(C\), 2 and 3\(A\)\)) show 4 mm 80 mm moveto box 11 mm 80 mm moveto (GENERAL) show 50 mm 80 mm moveto (\(Elements 1\(B\) or 1\(C\), 2, 3\(A\), and 3\(B\)\)) show 4 mm 76 mm moveto box 11 mm 76 mm moveto (ADVANCED) show 50 mm 76 mm moveto (\(Elements 1\(B\) or 1\(C\), 2, 3\(A\), 3\(B\),) show ( and 4\(A\)\)) show 4 mm 72 mm moveto box 11 mm 72 mm moveto (AMATEUR EXTRA) show 50 mm 72 mm moveto (\(Elements 1\(C\), 2, 3\(A\), 3\(B\), 4\(A\)) show ( and 4\(B\)\)) show % Finally, right justify this bit at the bottom NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 198 mm -3 mm moveto (FCC Form 610) right-justify 198 mm -6 mm moveto (November 1993) right-justify % This is optional. Uncomment it if you wish % 0 -3 mm moveto % (No U.S. Government funds were used to print this document.) show % WHEW! Half way home! % At this point it's possible that a user has pre-pended a dictionary % which we can use to actually fill out the form in Courier. currentdict /FORM known { /false-or-val { dup FORM exch known { FORM exch get } { pop false } ifelse } def /blank-or-val { dup FORM exch known { FORM exch get } { pop () } ifelse } def /fillin-date-line % y string -- { exch 160 mm exch moveto 12 exch 0 exch ashow } def FILLIN-FONT 12 scalefont setfont 2 mm 224 mm moveto /LAST blank-or-val show 65 mm 224 mm moveto /SUFFIX blank-or-val show 85 mm 224 mm moveto /FIRST blank-or-val show 145 mm 224 mm moveto /MIDDLE blank-or-val show 224 mm /BIRTH blank-or-val fillin-date-line 2 mm 212 mm moveto /STREET blank-or-val show 85 mm 212 mm moveto /CITY blank-or-val show 145 mm 212 mm moveto /STATE blank-or-val show 162 mm 212 mm moveto /ZIP blank-or-val show /4A false-or-val { 13 mm 199 mm moveto (X) show } if /4B false-or-val { 13 mm 190 mm moveto (X) show } if /4C false-or-val { 13 mm 180 mm moveto (X) show } if /4D false-or-val { 116 mm 199 mm moveto (X) show } if /4E false-or-val { 116 mm 190 mm moveto (X) show } if /4F false-or-val { 116 mm 173 mm moveto (X) show } if 18 mm 173 mm moveto /OLDLAST blank-or-val show 41 mm 173 mm moveto /OLDSUFFIX blank-or-val show 57 mm 173 mm moveto /OLDFIRST blank-or-val show 87 mm 173 mm moveto /OLDMIDDLE blank-or-val show 93 mm 160 mm moveto /CALL blank-or-val show 145 mm 160 mm moveto /CLASS blank-or-val show /6N false-or-val { 110 mm 151 mm moveto (X) show } if /6Y false-or-val { 134 mm 151 mm moveto (X) show } if 70 mm 142 mm moveto /PURPOSE blank-or-val show 142 mm /FILED blank-or-val fillin-date-line 111 mm /SIGNED blank-or-val fillin-date-line /NOVICE false-or-val { 4 mm 92 mm moveto (X) show } if /TECH false-or-val { 4 mm 88 mm moveto (X) show } if /TECH-PLUS false-or-val { 4 mm 84 mm moveto (X) show } if /GENERAL false-or-val { 4 mm 80 mm moveto (X) show } if /ADVANCED false-or-val { 4 mm 76 mm moveto (X) show } if /EXTRA false-or-val { 4 mm 72 mm moveto (X) show } if 4 mm 59 mm moveto /VEC blank-or-val show 4 mm 46 mm moveto /SESSION-DATE blank-or-val show 65 mm 46 mm moveto /SESSION-LOC blank-or-val show 2 mm 26 mm moveto /VE1-NAME blank-or-val show 70 mm 26 mm moveto /VE1-CALL blank-or-val show 170 mm 26 mm moveto /VE1-SIGNED blank-or-val show 2 mm 13 mm moveto /VE2-NAME blank-or-val show 70 mm 13 mm moveto /VE2-CALL blank-or-val show 170 mm 13 mm moveto /VE2-SIGNED blank-or-val show 2 mm 1 mm moveto /VE3-NAME blank-or-val show 70 mm 1 mm moveto /VE3-CALL blank-or-val show 170 mm 1 mm moveto /VE3-SIGNED blank-or-val show } if showpage %%Page: "back" 2 % On the back, everything is relative to the bleed-through of the % main box on the front (I can just make it out under strong light). % So to make it fit on the page, we have to shove it around a bit. .9 cm 1.6 cm translate % There's another headerbox on the back, but the interior dimensions % are a little different, so we'll just copy the procedure and % change it a little. /headerbox % x y -- { moveto gsave 2 setlinewidth % This is kind of a bitch. Because PostScript centers the setlinewidth % on the center of the line, we need to tweak the heavily drawn boxes % by both their width and the width of the lines they're butting up % to. That means moving in 1.75 points, not 2. .75 0 rmoveto 198 mm 1.5 sub 0 rlineto 0 6 mm rlineto -198 mm 1.5 add 0 rlineto closepath stroke grestore gsave % to rescue the currentpoint. % Now the little vertical lines 1 setlinewidth 46 mm 0 rmoveto 0 6 mm rlineto 198 46 2 mul sub mm 0 rmoveto 0 -6 mm rlineto stroke grestore gsave % again... % Things just get a bunch worse here. .95 setgray 1.25 1 rmoveto 46 mm 1.75 sub 0 rlineto 0 6 mm 2 sub rlineto -46 mm 1.75 add 0 rlineto closepath fill grestore gsave % one more time. .95 setgray 198 mm 1.25 sub 1 rmoveto -46 mm 1.75 add 0 rlineto 0 6 mm 2 sub rlineto 46 mm 1.75 sub 0 rlineto closepath fill grestore } def 0 213 mm headerbox % The rest of the lines are a half point wide .5 setlinewidth % The main box for the back 0 120 mm moveto 0 254 mm lineto 198 mm 254 mm lineto 198 mm 120 mm lineto closepath stroke % This may cause problems with the commission. If you don't want it, % comment it out. NORMAL-FONT 4 scalefont setfont 198 mm 254.5 mm moveto VERSION right-justify NORMAL-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 2 mm 250 mm moveto (ATTACH ORIGINAL OR A PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR LICENSE HERE:) show BOLD-FONT 10 scalefont setfont 99 mm 215 mm moveto (SECTION 3 - TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN) center-text 27 mm 207 mm moveto (PHYSICIAN'S CERTIFICATION) center-text 27 mm 203 mm moveto (OF DISABILITY) center-text 27 mm 197 mm moveto (Please see notice below) center-text BOLD-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 2 mm 155 mm moveto (WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENT IS PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT ) show (\(U.S. CODE TITLE 18, SECTION 1001\)) show 2 mm 140 mm moveto (PATIENT'S RELEASE) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont /line-to-end { currentpoint newpath moveto currentpoint exch pop 196 mm exch lineto stroke } def 64 mm 204 mm moveto (Print, Type or stamp physician's name: ) show line-to-end 64 mm 196 mm moveto (Street address: ) show line-to-end 64 mm 188 mm moveto (City, State, ZIP code: ) show line-to-end 64 mm 180 mm moveto (Office telephone number: ) show gsave ( \( \)) show grestore line-to-end gsave DING-FONT 14 scalefont setfont 55 mm 147 mm moveto DING-ARROW 2 mm -1 mm rmoveto [ 82 mm 4 mm 17 mm 6 mm 25 mm 9 mm ] 0 setdash line-to-end grestore NORMAL-FONT 6 scalefont setfont 62 mm 142 mm moveto (PHYSICIAN'S SIGNATURE \(DO NOT PRINT, ) show (TYPE, OR STAMP\)) show 150 mm 142 mm moveto (M.D. or D.O.) show 176 mm 142 mm moveto (DATE SIGNED) show gsave DING-FONT 14 scalefont setfont 55 mm 126 mm moveto DING-ARROW 2 mm -1 mm rmoveto [ 82 mm 4 mm 48 mm 9 mm ] 0 setdash line-to-end grestore 62 mm 121 mm moveto (APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE \(DO NOT PRINT, ) show (TYPE, OR STAMP\)) show 160 mm 121 mm moveto (DATE SIGNED) show NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 2 mm 196 mm 174 mm (I CERTIFY THAT I have read the Notice to Physician Certifying to a Disability, and that the person named in item 1 on the reverse is severely) justify-text 2 mm 196 mm 171 mm (handicapped, the duration of which will extend for more than 365 days beyond this date. Because of the severe handicap, this person is) justify-text 2 mm 196 mm 168 mm (unable to pass a 13 or 20 words per minute telegraphy examination. I am licensed to practice in the United States or its Territories as a doctor) justify-text 2 mm 196 mm 165 mm (of medicine \(M.D.\) or doctor of osteopathy \(D.O.\). I have considered the accommodations that could be made for this person's disability) justify-text 2 mm 196 mm 162 mm (and have determined that, even with accommodations, this person would be unable to pass a 13 or 20 words per minute telegraphy) justify-text 2 mm 159 mm moveto (examination.) show 2 mm 196 mm 136 mm (Authorization is hereby given to the physician named above, who participated in my care, to release to the Federal Communications) justify-text 2 mm 133 mm moveto (Commission any medical information deemed necessary to ) show (process my application for an amateur operator/primary ) show (station license.) show % Welcome to hell. The "Notice to Physician..." part is two columns % of fully justified text. Yuck. BOLD-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 99 mm 115 mm moveto (NOTICE TO PHYSICIAN CERTIFYING TO A DISABILITY) center-text NORMAL-FONT 8 scalefont setfont 5 mm 93 mm 109 mm (You are being asked by a person who has already passed a 5 words per) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 106 mm (minute telegraphy examination to certify that, because of a severe) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 103 mm (handicap, he/she is unable to pass a 13 or 20 words per minute) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 100 mm (telegraphy examination. If you sign the certification, the person will be) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 97 mm (exempt from the examination. Before you sign the certification, please) justify-text 5 mm 94 mm moveto (consider the following:) show 5 mm 93 mm 88 mm (THE REASON FOR THE EXAMINATION - Telegraphy is a method of) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 85 mm (electrical communication that the Amateur Radio Service community) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 82 mm (strongly desires to preserve. We support their objective by authorizing) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 79 mm (additional operating privileges to amateur operators who increase their) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 76 mm (skills to 13 and 20 words per minute. Normally, to attain these levels of skill,) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 73 mm (intense practice is required. Annually, thousands of amateur operators) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 70 mm (prove by passing examinations that they have acquired the skill. These) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 67 mm (examinations are prepared and administered by amateur operators in) justify-text 5 mm 64 mm moveto (the local community who volunteer their time and effort.) show 5 mm 93 mm 58 mm (THE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE - The volunteer examiners \(VEs\) send a) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 55 mm (short message in the Morse code. The examinee must decipher a series) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 52 mm (of audible dots and dashes into 43 different alphabetic, numeric and) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 49 mm (punctuation characters used in the message. To pass, the examinee) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 46 mm (must correctly answer questions about the content of the message.) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 43 mm (Usually, a fill-in-the-blanks format is used. With your certification, they will) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 40 mm (give the person credit for passing the examination, even though they do) justify-text 5 mm 37 mm moveto (not administer it.) show 5 mm 31 mm moveto (MUST A PERSON WITH A HANDICAP SEEK EXEMPTION?) show 5 mm 93 mm 25 mm (No handicapped person is required to request exemption from the) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 22 mm (higher speed telegraphy examinations, nor is anyone denied the) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 19 mm (opportunity to take the examinations because of a handicap. There is) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 16 mm (available to all otherwise qualified persons, handicapped or not, the) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 13 mm (Technician Class operator license that does not require passing a) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 10 mm (telegraphy examination. Because of international regulations, however,) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 7 mm (any handicapped applicant requesting exemption from the 13 or 20) justify-text 5 mm 93 mm 4 mm (words per minute examination must have passed the 5 words per minute) justify-text 5 mm 1 mm moveto (examination.) show 104 mm 192 mm 109 mm (ACCOMMODATING A HANDICAPPED PERSON - Many handicapped) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 106 mm (persons accept and benefit from the personal challenge of passing the) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 103 mm (examination in spite of their hardships. For handicapped persons without) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 100 mm (an exemption who have difficulty in proving that they can decipher) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 97 mm (messages sent in the Morse code, the VE's make exceptionally) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 94 mm (accommodative arrangements. They will adjust the tone in frequency) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 91 mm (and volume to suit the examinee. They will administer the examination at) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 88 mm (a place convenient and comfortable to the examinee, even at bedside.) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 85 mm (For a deaf person, they will send the dots and dashes to a vibrating) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 82 mm (surface or flashing light. They will write the examinee's dictation. Where) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 79 mm (warranted, they will pause in sending the message after each sentence,) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 76 mm (each phrase, each word, or each character to allow the examinee) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 73 mm (additional time to absorb and interpret what was sent. They will even) justify-text 104 mm 70 mm moveto (allow the examinee to send the message, rather than receive it.) show 104 mm 192 mm 62 mm (YOUR DECISION - The VEs rely upon you to make the necessary medical) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 59 mm (determination for them using your professional judgement. You are) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 56 mm (being asked to decide if the person's handicap is so severe that he/she) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 53 mm (cannot pass the examination even when the VEs employ their) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 50 mm (accommodative procedures. The impairment, moreover, will last more) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 47 mm (than one year. This procedure is not intended to exempt a person who) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 44 mm (simply wants to avoid expending the effort necessary to acquire greater) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 41 mm (skill in telegraphy. The person requesting that you sign the certification) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 38 mm (will give you names and addresses of VEs and other amateur operators) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 35 mm (in your community who can provide you with more information on this) justify-text 104 mm 32 mm moveto (matter.) show 104 mm 192 mm 25 mm (DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS - If you decide to execute the certification, you) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 22 mm (should complete and sign the Physician's Certification of Disability on the) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 19 mm (person's FCC Form 610. You must be an M.D. or D.O. licensed to) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 16 mm (practice in the United States or its Territories. The person must sign a) justify-text 104 mm 192 mm 13 mm (release permitting disclosure to the FCC of the medical information) justify-text 104 mm 10 mm moveto (pertaining to the disability.) show 192 mm 4 mm moveto (FCC Form 610) right-justify 192 mm 1 mm moveto (November 1993) right-justify showpage %%Trailer %%EOF ----- ereh tuc ----- -- Nick Sayer | "Oh joy! See how I love to clean N6QQQ @ N0ARY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM | filthy cat boxes!" +1 408 249 9630, log in as 'guest' | PGP 2.2 key and geek code via finger | -- Ren (with Happy Helmet)